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Inspire a Love ​ of Math

Math ​Classes ​for Teens

For Home schoolers in

cache Valley

2024-2025 Classses

Elementary math concept
Elementary math concept


Geometric shapes used in maths and calculus education sitting on drawing equipment.
Geometric shapes used in maths and calculus education sitting on drawing equipment.

Algebra 2

Businessman Solving Math Equations on Blackboard
Businessman Solving Math Equations on Blackboard



Mathematics background made with solid numbers

Negative Numbers, Order of Operations, ​Solving for the Unknown, and Other ​Topics

Pre-Algebra teaches basic rules of solving ​equations using the associative, commutative, and ​other properties. Simple operations with ​polynomials are demonstrated with place-value ​blocks for conceptual understanding before being ​taught conventionally. Geometry concepts include ​surface area, volume, and the Pythagorean ​theorem.

Class Details

Curriculum: Math U See

Time: Mondays from 10am - 11am

Dates: Sep 9 - Dec 9

Place: My home in Nibley

Cost: $140

Algebra 2

Word MATH and Stationery on School Blackboard

Factoring Polynomials, Quadratic ​Formula, Graphing Conic Sections

Algebra 2 is a more rigorous algebra course that ​builds on the previous two courses. Besides review ​and expansion of topics taught in Algebra 1, the ​course covers advanced factoring, imaginary and ​complex numbers, conjugate numbers, the binomial ​theorem, the quadratic formula, motion problems, ​and other kinds of application problems. Graphing ​includes extensive practice with conic sections and ​solving systems of equations visually and ​algebraically. Vectors are also introduced.

Class Details

C​urriculum: Math U See

Time: Mon​days from 11am - 12pm​

Dates: Sep 9 - Dec 9

Pla​ce: My home​ in Nibley

Cost: $140


Person Studying And Writing Notes On Paper

Trigonometry, Identities, Polar ​Equations, Logarithms, Sequences, ​Limits, and Other Topics to Prepare for ​Calculus

PreCalculus combines classic trigonometry with the ​advanced algebra needed for calculus and other ​courses. Topics include trig ratios, trigonometric ​identities, laws of trigonometry, radian measure, ​polar equations, functions and their graphs, ​sequences and series, and limits.

Class Details

C​urriculum: Math U See

Time: Mo​ndays from 1pm - 2pm ​

Dates: Sep 9 - Dec 9

Pla​ce: My home​ in Nibley

Cost: $140

about ME​


Math is not just about numbers; it's a way of thinking, a ​language that describes the universe. From the simplest ​arithmetic to the complexities of calculus, every aspect of ​math has its own unique charm. I've always strived to make my ​lessons engaging and accessible, using real-world examples to ​show how math is everywhere around us.

In my classes we celebrate the joy of problem-solving and the ​satisfaction of overcoming challenges. I believe that every ​student has the potential to excel in math, and my mission has ​been to unlock that potential. My goal is to make math a ​subject that everyone can enjoy and appreciate.

As I look back over the past three decades that I’ve been ​teaching math, I'm filled with gratitude for the journey and ​excited for the future. There's always more to learn and new ​ways to inspire the next generation of mathematicians.

Mentor: Misty Myer

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"Mathematics is the ​language in which God has ​written the universe."~ ​Galileo Galilei

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